KA2281 integrated circuits, LM3914, etc. According to the vu meter circuits with this circuit has been built on microcontroller circuit pic16f88 stereo really super 2×16 total 32 or mono 16 led, 40 can be used in the form of a burning LEDs the led dot bar looks very nice, but very complicated in different functions have led links the author has prepared a simple printed circuit board with a practical method vu meter circuit eagle schema, pcb drawings and follow the video source, you will see the hex codes for the given test asm, to-do list.
Source: s-o.webnode.cz/vu-metr/
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18721.zip
Published: 2012/03/22 Tags: led projects, microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f88 projects
Microcontroller Controlled VU Meter Circuit
KA2281 integrated circuits, LM3914, etc. According to the vu meter circuits with this circuit has been built on microcontroller circuit pic16f88 stereo really super 2×16 total 32 or mono 16 led, 40 can be used in the form of a burning LEDs the led dot bar looks very nice, but very complicated in different functions have led links the author has prepared a simple printed circuit board with a practical method vu meter circuit eagle schema, pcb drawings and follow the video source, you will see the hex codes for the given test asm, to-do list.