A simple all-in-one TBA820M from the past that many of you know and experience. Despite its small size, it accomplishes great work from its height according to its time, its price is cheap, the area it covers is small and its working tension is quite flexible. I have tried to make the two circuit boards I have drawn as small as possible so that they can hang on the end of the potentiometer without having to screw anywhere.
TBA820M Amplifier Circuit Completed
TBA820M PCB top
When you screw in the box potentiometer, the circuit will be fixed. In both stereo and mono circuits, there is a 10K resistor on the remote side, with 3 audio inputs. If the signal you enter is very weak, you can increase this resistance to 100K or so. Do the same yourself by selecting the value of the potentiometer in the same way.
The potentiometer used in the input can be selected at a value between 10K and 100K. You can even cancel 3-way resistance to the chassis.
Another issue is the RF resistance ( Resistor Feedback ) that comes from the remote 2, ie the feedback resistor. This resistor value is usually specified as 120 ohms, but by selecting 33 ohms in data, you can increase the gain of 34dB to 45dB and the distortion will also increase slightly. You can also install the output capacitor of 220uF around 470uF. Lastly, I would recommend cutting the specified circuit board by half a cm larger. Because ironing can be very difficult to remove.
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25952.zip
Published: 2018/06/09 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier
Verstärkerschaltung TBA820M
Ein einfacher All-in-One TBA820M aus der Vergangenheit, den viele von Ihnen kennen und erleben. Trotz seiner geringen Größe erreicht er große Arbeit von seiner Höhe entsprechend seiner Zeit, sein Preis ist billig, der Bereich, den er bedeckt, ist klein und seine Arbeitsspannung ist ziemlich flexibel. Ich habe versucht, die beiden Platinen, die ich gezeichnet habe, so klein wie möglich zu machen, damit sie am Ende des Potentiometers hängen können, ohne irgendwo verschraubt zu werden.
TBA820M Verstärkerschaltung abgeschlossen
Circuit d’amplification stéréo, mono TBA820M
Un TBA820M tout-en-un simple du passé que beaucoup d’entre vous connaissent et expérimentent. Malgré sa petite taille, il accomplit un excellent travail de sa hauteur en fonction de son époque, son prix est bon marché, la zone qu’il couvre est petite et sa tension de travail est assez flexible. J’ai essayé de rendre les deux circuits imprimés que j’ai dessinés aussi petits que possible afin qu’ils puissent s’accrocher à l’extrémité du potentiomètre sans avoir à visser n’importe où.