A previous article, I shared my “TDA7294 Stereo amplifier circuit of controlled Loudspeaker-protected tons of” project was a more compact amp. Designed for use on my computer.
Amplifier TDA2030, popular with LM1875, the sight of TDA2040, can be used in a one-to-one connections this amplifier circuits TDA2050 integrations are compatible with different output power and audio quality for detailed information, please refer to the datasheet files suggestion LM1875 or TDA2030 integrations (ST with the logo of the original).
In addition to solid on the circuit amp regulated DC rectifier section’s tone control and speaker protection circuits. Speaker protection circuit do not need to run additional cables to pull out of this design was made in the PCB supply voltage according to the value of materials ranging and integrated amplifier (R1, R2) below information was given on the official settlement plan
A sample calculation; RT + / – 2x12VAC for example – 17Vdc (17 to 12 (zener)) / 0015 for Res 17-16 (7812 more than the entry must be at least 3v) / 0.06A WRT + / – (17-12) to x0.015 Wres (17-16) x 0.06A
In addition, the output is not to a terminal on the PCB is used so that the speakers Zobel kutulanınca condition. Direct terminal attribute on the settlement plan or on the speakers, were informed about this detail. capacitors in parallel feeding floor 4700u and connect to the bottom of the PCB capacitor 100nf 220u. Designed according to the connection diagram for the connection of audio input, you can see 2 different.
Important: do not use when connecting the refrigerant Circuits isolator (as seen in the pictures) in contact with the metal part mounted on the cooler mounting after the integrations are sure to create, check with the measuring instrument.
Stereo Compact Amplifier Connection Diagram
Finally, each time the capacitor voltage values, transformer power asked. Transformer AC outputs on the circuit that feeds in this section are transliterated as voltage DC and AC voltage X 1.41 account is for example filter 12V AC to DC automated 16.9 v. ..17v will account: 12 X 1.41 in this case also a transformer that used in AC feeding 2X12V floor of capacitors (4700u, 220u…) is ideal if you do not find the 17v must be use the 25v 25v chip datasheet file most 50v 35v minimum and maximum operating voltages are given information about
Power integrations of the transformer output power varies according to the facilities, according to, for example, entegreniz gives the power to the circuit is in stereo 15w 30w 50w transformer power must be 45 … it could be higher. for example, you have a ready-to-run circuit transformer do not want to charge again, 15w, but more when you don’t intend to give full power supply voltage, power use is already full of crashes.
list of layout of the circuit material pictures also ares proteus PCB design PCB artwork was attempted and the xps format given will not be exported. employee belongs to, you can make the circuit with this file into.
PCB drawings for the project:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-22858.zip
Published: 2014/04/09 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier
CM8870 Remote device control via telephone DTMF pic16f628
PIC16F628 microcontroller and DTMF CM8870 integrated circuits based on the 1, 2, 4 relay has versions with PCB printed circuit drawings ares proteus software prepared by the Picbasic. Source code, the PCB according to the drawings, as well as different operating scenarios given in Picbasic software files.
Kompaktes Stereo-Verstärker-Projekt
Verstärker TDA2030, beliebt bei LM1875, der Anblick des TDA2040, kann verwendet werden, in einer eins zu eins verbindungen diese Verstärker schaltungen TDA2050 Integrationen sind kompatibel mit verschiedenen Ausgangsleistung und audio Qualität für detaillierte Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Datenblatt Dateien Anregung LM1875 oder TDA2030 Integrationen (ST mit dem logo des original).