Flash IC is an audio file playback circuit prepared for high-capacity spi flash memory ICs, known as Bios ICs. The controller of the system is the PIC16F628 microcontroller, the spi flash integrated 25Q64 used for memory was removed from an old computer motherboard. I made the circuit application with 25Q32BV, I removed these integrated from old motherboards.
I tried a lot to solve the conversion of the audio file to .bin file, the author did not give details about this issue, he talked about the method in the previously shared PIC12F675 24C512 eeprom audio application, but there are details
I tried the circuit on the breadboard because the materials are few and the setup is simple. TDA7052 or LM386 integrateds working with 5v can be used to increase the audio output. If the transistor amp in the scheme is sufficient, you do not need to use an amplifier IC.
Compared to the audio hex file conversion in the 24C512 application, this time it was faster, some things were unnecessary, and I skipped some details because there was a higher capacity, all the details are in the video.
Note: The PCB drawing was prepared with Sprint Layout 6, I checked the drawing, there is no error, but I did not test it.
PIC16F628 Spi Flash Circuit Diagram PCB
File download LINK list (in TXT format) for files belonging to SPI Flash audio project 28601a.zip şifre-pass: 320volt.com
Source: picsource.com.br/archives/11389
Published: 2022/11/17 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f628 projects