Simple SMPS Circuit Self-Oscillating ATX Transformer There were shares to run the rechargeable drill without a battery IR2153 SMPS, Battery, Transformer.. The batteries of the drill I used were also faulty, the price of the battery pack was quite high, by connecting a 12v 7ah battery, I used the drill for a long time, but the battery does not hold charge anymore, so I tried to run it with the SMPS circuit. I decided I had the IR2153 SMPS circuit in mind but instead SELF OSC. I applied a simple SMPS circuit with a self-oscillator called.
SELF OSC SMPS Circuit Diagrams
Source @Acca diysmps.com/forums/index.php?threads/uni-smps-300w.450/
Alternate link for all files ; 28342a.zip pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2022/07/01 Tags: power electronic projects, smps circuits, smps projects, smps schematic