12V to 70V DC DC Converter Circuit SG3525 900W

| July 16, 2023 Updated
12V to 70V DC DC Converter Circuit SG3525 900W

DC DC Converter Circuit is based on sg3525 smps control IC, it can provide 900w power. The power transformer used is etd59 output 4n25, isolated with opto coupler, it gives a symmetrical + – 70 volts total 140 volts output with 12 volts. There is a pcb file prepared with ares that can be used as an auto amplifier supply.

symmetric 70v complete DC DC Converter



CAUTION Be careful is working with high voltage capacitor circuit connections Beware + – If you connect the high voltage polarity may be large explosions before running the insured Power Line circuit, protective goggles

SG3525 DC DC Converter Circuit proteus ares PCB files:

12V to 70V DC DC Converter Circuit SG3525 900W

Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2009/01/27 Tags: , ,

41 Comments “12V to 70V DC DC Converter Circuit SG3525 900W

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    PIC16F628 Multi-Mode Encoder, Counter Circuits CCS C

    Hello friends, I have done well to share with you the counter circuits as functions istedim.kısa tell. There are three mode of counter:

    enc: millimeter accuracy in the measurement is made. The value is set in the output data.
    Counter: Counts the amount is set at the value of the output data.
    disp: Meter makes measurement, shows decimeter accuracy

    You can connect to the encoder input, interrupt b0 rises from 0 to 1 at the moment in a direction B output is 0 if one is going in the other direction. I do not know, but these commands can be prepared from the PLC logic business benefits

    1. gevvgevv Contributor

      inside pcb zip file (900w SMPS.LYT proteus ares pcb file)

      1. ImranImran

        Only PCB layout file no sche​mat​ic. Please share

  2. yashwantyashwant

    no its not supported please send pdf to my mail

      1. ddeeenddeeen

        How many layers this pcb bruh?
        In jlcpcb its detected 4 layers. Is it true??

        1. ddeeenddeeen

          Thank so much bother..
          God bless you🙏

      2. ddeeenddeeen

        Hello sir…
        Is this gerber file 4 layer or 2 layers??
        I’ve try to see the file on jlcpcb it saying 4 layers.
        Please help

  3. yashwant kammaryashwant kammar

    sir should i take print directly or at what magnification(zoom) level i should take the print

      1. ddeeenddeeen


        Really sorry brother. Got trouble with internet connection and double post.

        For R10K from mosfet, it is connected to red wire cable jumper or not bruh??
        Thanks so much before

      1. Andry TianaAndry Tiana

        Give me the password please sir🙏🙏🙏

  4. WassimWassim

    I wana us this circuit to activat an inverter frige compresor or a washing machine motor from a car battery what do u think?

  5. oliaolia

    Hi . Please email me the details of the etd59 transformer and filter coil
    1- The number of wires,
    2- Number of rounds,
    3- Wire thickness,

    1. oliaolia

      Unfortunately, I did not understand the number of turns, the number of wires, the thickness of the wire, the type of core, and the number of wires for the transformer circuit. Please, if possible, introduce a better reference for guidance. Is there a ready sample of trans by part number?

  6. oliaolia

    Hi Please guide the specifications of the number of turns of the wire, the thickness of the wire and the diameter of the bobbin filter core in the circuit

    1. gevvgevv Contributor


      Core ETD59

      Secondary, output winding will be connected in parallel with 4 pieces of 0.9mm wire and will be wound 2×20 turns.

      The primary winding will be connected in parallel with 9 pieces of 0.9mm wire and 2×3 turns of winding will be made.

      Example transformer winding method



  7. oliaolia

    Hi .
    Thank you very much for your reply.
    In the pcb, the secondary connections of the 4 cores are connected to Shadaki diodes.
    But your explanation is about how to wind the core of the three connections Ac1, GND, AC2, please guide me.

  8. oliaolia

    Hello, thank you very much for your kindness
    Please give me the bobbin filter coil including core diameter, wire thickness and number of coils.
    And what is the function of the romate++ part in the circuit and what voltage is it connected to? Is it disconnected from the battery input voltage or…?
    I am very happy to have found a good friend like you.

  9. oliaolia

    Hi . What is your suggestion for printing multi-layer pcb board? 3 layers or single layer?

  10. gevvgevv Contributor


    Filter coil removed from faulty atx power supply. 5v line of the coil is used. 10 turns of 2x 1.5mm wire



    PCB drawing is single layer. REMOTE connected to the 12v line. Used for standby mode

  11. oliaolia

    The coil filter that I wanted is for the 12v to +70v 0 -70v DC to DC inverter circuit. I think you said another circuit because there is a different board picture.
    Please upload the coil filter of this circuit. How many turns of wire? Wire thickness? The diameter of the nucleus of Troid?
    Thank you

    1. gevvgevv Contributor

      I’m talking about the 12V input filter coil.

      Toroid is not used in this circuit. ETD59 core used

  12. oliaolia

    In your circuit, an ETD59 transformer is used for voltage conversion and a bobbin filter, and you have already loaded the winding of the transformer, and now I wanted the coil of the bobbin filter that is installed above the 100 MF capacitor of the IC Generator SG3525.
    Thank you

    1. gevvgevv Contributor

      installed above the 100 MF capacitor of the IC Generator SG3525.

      10 turns of 2x 1.5mm wire



  13. oliaolia

    Please ask me the inductance data and the test conditions of the etd59 transformer without the inverter circuit
    thank you

  14. oliaolia

    Hello .
    A workshop wants to wire the transformer for me and needs this information from me for testing
    I have a problem with the transformer, please help?
    Please ask me the inductance data and the test conditions of the etd59 transformer without the inverter circuit
    thank you

  15. ImranImran

    Only PCB layout files. Where is Schematic. Please share


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