190W RMS output stage amplifier circuit PCB printed circuit design darlington transistors are used TIP142 TIP147 very good original Car where there is no difference. Darlington amplifier supply voltage of +-30v DC battery to translate the symmetrical SG3525 control IC izerine Board is used only in this episode and amp DCDC converter circuit on the PCB is used in core and winding toroidal core DCDC converter circuit information.
Toroidal core primary winding connected in parallel to the wire 1.5 mm 3 piece of 2 × 4 round to hold secondary output winding is 1 mm wire 2 x 22 tour
source: forosdeelectronica.com/f31/amplificador-carro-190w-rms-105780/ alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-22721.zip
Published: 2014/02/24 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, dc dc converter circuit, sg3525 circuit, transistor amplifier
FT245R USB control program and application circuit
FT245R USB parallel FIFO control IC with USB port, you can control the output, input pins through the program. The author used the program prepared by the manufacturer, by making the application circuit is a simple and direct, there’s little element circuit. FT245R USB control utility has been tested on Windows 7 32 bit, 64 bit
190W Auto-Verstärker SG3525 DC-DC Wandler
190W RMS output stage amplifier circuit Leiterplatte design darlington-transistoren verwendet werden TIP142 TIP147 sehr gut, original-Auto, wo es keinen Unterschied gibt. Darlington Verstärker-Versorgungsspannung von +-30v DC-Batterie zu übersetzen, die symmetrisch SG3525 control IC izerine Board verwendet wird, nur in dieser episode-und amp-DC-DC Wandler-Schaltung auf die platine verwendet wird, in Kern und Wicklung Ringkern DC-DC Wandler Schaltung Informationen.