Tag: power electronic projects

Power supply circuits, SMPS Power supplies Switched DC DC Power supplies Inverter circuits Battery Battery Charging Circuits. Power electronics circuits, projects.

Dimmer Circuit with Mosfet for Energy-Saving Lamps

| 2024/12/17

For the circuit; It is called “Universal power control”. A circuit that reduces the brightness and therefore the power consumption of the energy saving lamp as a night lamp. It is not recommended to use simple dimmer circuits to change the brightness of these lamps. In the electronic ballast circuits used in energy saving lamps,…

12V 60AH Car Battery Repair Desulfator Test

| 2024/12/17

I did the time test of the Advanced Battery Desulfurizer Circuit circuit that I shared before with a 12V 60A Car battery. I will keep the desulfurizer connected to the battery for 1 month but I wanted to share the first result, I got very good results in about 1 day of desulfurizer connection, it…

Advanced Battery Repair Circuit Desulphator

| 2024/04/17

A more powerful and advanced automatic Battery desulfurizer circuit as an alternative to the “Battery Repair Desulfurator Circuit” project. The circuit is used to dissolve the sulfate on the battery plates. If you ask what the desulphator feature is, it is stronger than other circuits, has high, low voltage and overheating protection and can be…

Electronic Load Circuit LM324 4 Mosfet

| 2024/04/17

It is a more powerful version of the “Mosfet Electronic Load Circuit LM358” project I shared, with 4 mosfets. When I got the 2-Mosfet circuit close, I did not bother to repair it. I prepared and applied the PCB drawing of the 4-Mosfet circuit. It is a clone of the product sold as a circuit…

Battery Discharge Protection Circuit

| 2024/04/17

A simple battery discharge protection circuit implemented with TL431, BC557 transistors and a small number of resistors. The power line is controlled with an N-Channel MOSFET instead of a relay, so its current consumption is lower than the relay. The protection circuit triggers the MOSFET and gives output around 13.6V, and cuts off the output…

12V DC to 24V DC

| 2024/03/16

I did not like the PCB design of this application of Elektor and rearranged it myself. 🙂 There is even another variation of the same scheme on the site. (12 Volt 24 Volt DC DC Converter Circuit BUZ11) The aim is to make the circuit board smaller and get rid of the heat sink issue.…

Switch Mode Power Supply Transformer Tester

| 2024/03/16

The SMPS Transformer tester is an inexpensive and effective way to test any high Q inductive component. The flyback is particularly useful for performing a quick check on line output transformers and other high frequency wound components such as bias yoke windings and SMPS transformers. Various measurements have shown that SMPS transformers can detect at…

Lion Battery Box Converter for Ni-MH Battery Drills

| 2024/03/16

3D drawings of the old generation Ni-MH Battery Drills and the new generation Lion battery used drills with battery pack and box and holder apparatus Battery holders have .stl files for 3D printer. Battery converter 3D drawing printed on the stand from ABS, 1.2 mm thick and 30% filled. After printing, it was dipped in…

Battery Balancer LifePO4 Li-ion

| 2024/03/16

Battery balancer circuit is designed to control the charge thresholds of LifePO4 and Li-ion batteries. You can use it on Li-ion and LifePO4 batteries by changing 2 resistor values on the balancer. By adding transistor T1 and resistor R5 to the circuit, it was possible to convert TL431 into a Schmitt trigger. The divider R3,…

Advanced Charger Circuit

| 2024/03/14

The purpose of the Charger is to overcome some of the limitations of the basic charger and offer users more flexibility. The advanced charger is based on similar hardware to the basic charger. The main differences are in the management of charge/discharge profiles, which can now be entered “locally” and without computer support. Differences from…