Tag: microcontroller projects

Various projects with microcontroller MCU or integrals known as µC. Microcontrollers. PIC circuits, PIC projects, AVR circuits, AVR projects, ARM circuits, ARM projects, Arduino circuits, Arduino projects

Microcontroller Controlled Digital Power Supply Circuits Archive

| 2008/01/12

NXP80C31, PIC16F876, PIC12F629, PIC18F452, PIC16F876, PIC16F870, PIC18F252, HC908QT4 made ​​with integrated power sources in various voltage and power MCU of microcontrollers in power electronics used always been interested 🙂 Unfortunately this type MCU, PIC, ATMEL a controlled power supply did not do it to do Yade get the idea people who want a few examples…

Microcontroller GSM Alarm and Control Circuits

| 2008/01/12

Now quite a popular topic with Cell Phone Control with Microchip pic series for those who want to do these types of projects that could give clues will limp a few projects, including projects located in Atmella in 1 Pcb circuit connected pc with AT90S2313 asm hex file and available software Emergency equipment is often…

IR Remote Control Circuits with PICmicro

| 2008/01/12

PIC12F629, PIC16F630, PIC16F84 microcontroller prepared with different control circuits available 3-8-10 Channel Control projects have hex and asm code only 10 channels available in the command and control circuit pcb file. Check-in will use the PIC can control various devices by the control elements from the simplest relay circuits used in IR Remote Control with…

PICmicro Controlled Dimmer Circuits

| 2008/01/12

PIC16F84, pic16f629, made ​​with PIC12C508 microcontroller series voltj dimmer control applications 220v mains operated and manual controls available in circuits CAUTION Be careful is working with high voltage capacitor circuit connections Beware + – If you connect the high voltage polarity may be large explosions before running the insured Power Line circuit, protective goggles Pic…

Clock Thermometer Circuits with PIC16F628 PICBasic Pro

| 2008/01/12

Made with clock and thermometer 16F628 PIC-7 Circuit Friends, I have realized various clock and thermometer with PIC16F628A circuit I explain below. The temperature sensor used in each of the projects is DS18B20. Clock Thermometer Circuit-1: In this circuit, the clock signal with cutting method I created. I use the LCD screen as a benchmark.…

Stepper Motor Control Circuit with PIC16F84A mosfet

| 2008/01/12

PIC16F84 stepper motor control circuit is the button to the right to the left button is pressed, the motor rotates continuously in the opposite direction to the right Doderer stop button will stop the motor. The engine speed is adjusted by changing the setting of a frequency crystal oscillator RC oscillator instead of the value…

Digital Tone Control Circuit with PIC16F877 LM1036

| 2008/01/12

Were made by combining the LM1036 integrated circuit PIC16F877. BASS, TREBLE, BALANCE, VOLUME settings on the LCD screen is made in my image as a 15 something in the shade echelons. In addition, this circuit easily adapted to integrate other tonkontrol eqlayz integrated holster or connected. 4 separate circuits can be added to any channel.…

Scrolling LED Text Circuits PIC16F84 PIC16F628 PIC18F452

| 2008/01/12

PIC16F84, PIC16F628, PIC18F452 circuits made ​​with 16 32 60 Column Marquee isis proteus simulation files are one of many circuits can simulate. Source codes and codes on the circuit’s writing projects can be done by modifying the different advanced rock. Thanks to those who contributed to preparing Made with 32 column marquee 8X32 PIC16F628 pic…

Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS AT90S8515

| 2008/01/12

PWM with AT90S8515 a good practice to understand the logic can give 200w Power should be developed for more The driver circuit method used in section H-Bridge driver integrated HIP4080 I have in the market The schema of the latter and ‘very simple, despite the Difficulties’ linked to power and it’s not particularly interesting because…

Gas Detector Circuit ATtiny45

| 2008/01/12

Gas sensors are employed in a wide range of applications in the fields of safety, health, instrumentation etc… Common examples are domestic/commercial alarms for explosive or toxic gases or in automotive application, as gas leakage detectors for LPG powered cars and exhausts detectors inside any fuel-powered truck/car. Such sensors, nowadays, are found also in applications…