Tag: microchip projects

PIC circuits, PIC projects have been realized with microchip controllers of Microchip company.

Button with LED Bar Control Hi Tech C Example

| 2011/01/14

A button to connect to each pin of the microcontroller is not economical. If you are in the hundreds of computer keyboard and examined the inside of the foot, which was not integrated. Buttons with a vertical and horizontal connecting a column and row are generated. Thus, the total number of columns and rows as…

Speak Function Display with Control Buttons Hi Tech C Example

| 2011/01/14

This practice differs from the previous one which button was pressed, the display shows its value and each key is bsaıl remove the buzzer beeps. Speak () function by creating a square wave with a given buzzer beeps when the square wave is formed. Changing the frequency of the square wave can be created in…

While Loop Button with Led Control Hi Tech C Example

| 2011/01/14

In this application, which if the link is relevant, as long as the button is pressed, the led light and the while loop stops work due to codes. For this reason, the a button while holding down other buttons simply has no meaning. In addition, LEDs and buttons for the connects the LEDs of the…

Button with Relay Control Hi Tech C Example

| 2011/01/14

This application has been checked with the relay 220v lamp. The lamp illuminates when the button is first pressed, pressed and released again when the lamp is turned off. microcontroller output current is not enough to drive relays directly. For this, the output current of a transistor is increased. EMK opposite will occur in the…

Simple Led Light Flip Flop Circuit Hi Tech C Example

| 2011/01/14

The first Hi Tech C example is an example of the classic Hello world in C. Of course, this example is adapted to the world of the microcontroller. A 5V supply voltage for the operation of the PIC circuit, reset circuit, and oscillator source is required. For battery-powered applications, the lower the voltage levels generated…

PIC16F877 Cell Phone Call Drug Use Monitoring System

| 2011/01/12

Medical electronics, medical electronics interesting for people who are interested in a different application circuits during specified hours of the patient is receiving drug control if the relevant person is taking medication with mobile phone is looking for an ideal system for patient monitoring PIC16F877 microcontroller used in a drug monitoring system software with C…

Sumo Robot Project PIC16F877 Control Circuit L293D

| 2011/01/10

Mini sumo robot design is very stylish robot pic16f877 microcontroller used in motor driver for the l293d kullanılmş software crafted with the C language. Mini densede very detailed all of the resources that are shared with a Sumo robot project also robot contest opponents out of the runway:) SUMO-ROBOT-features Size 9.9cm(W) x 9.9cm(L) x 6.8cm(H)…

Six-Legged Basic Stamp2 Spider Robot Project

| 2011/01/10

Spider robot mechanically quite a detailed project control system based on pic microcontroller Basic Stamp 2 module is provided with circuit 7.2 Volt NiCad batteries in addition to the fed with the RC5 remote support, there is a variety of sound effects Robot circuit all sources (codes, orcad schema etc) shared a robotic jobs for…

Digital Voltage Probe PIC18F242

| 2011/01/03

Hello In this article we will talk about Making Voltage Probe. First, let me explain what is the voltage probe. Voltage Probe, displays the amount of voltage at one point. In addition to a digital value, may include features such as logic states. We will do a digital voltage probes made ​​with the PIC18F242 Voltage…

Weekly Scheduled Watering Flowers Circuit PicBasicPro PIC16f876

| 2011/01/02

I applied before the project @ ferhatyol friend revealed is a modified version of the project. 3 irrigation functions available in the program. Applications for pic16f876 microcontroller based on the 2 × 16 LCD screen display software that was used was prepared by PicBasic pro LOW (0-20sec) Meduim (21-40s) HIGH (41-59sn) circuit menu in English…