Tag: audio amplifier circuits

Amplifiers with 1000 watts or more. Mini amplifier is a standard amplifier, as well as quality amplifier. Mono stereo amplifier, Class D Amplifier High-power amplifier circuits, low-power amplifier circuits, bjt mosfet transistor, integrated designs projects.

RMS 500W Amplifier Circuit

| 2008/02/24

System 500W RMS at 4 ohm 620W RMS power gives 2Ω, 4Ω 500W RMS, 8Ω 380W RMS Circuit of the original scheme 8 MOSFETs used and 4Ω 400W writes 2Ω speakers in order to work 10 mosfet I used the original transistors toshiba 2SK1530 and 2SJ201 but the price is expensive to have found IRFP240…

TDA1562Q Car Amplifier Circuit

| 2008/02/24

I tested a working amplifier circuit TDA1562Q made ​​with two pieces of the price a little expensive, but the performance is pretty good, stereo want to use Car Amplifier circuit wiring diagram TDA1562Q Note: For the sake of clarity of the drawing next to the socket erased some elements of this transaction was done just…

High quality Hi-Fi Headphone Amplifier Circuits

| 2008/02/16

Opamp and transistor circuits are very nice quality headphone amp design quality for this circuit also has a symmetrical power supply circuit. Design of printed circuit quite well, especially the materials used, the cost comes to almost a high-powered amp, but prices on the name Hi-Fi 🙂 High quality Hi-Fi Headphone Amplifier Circuits all files:

TDA7384 4×22 Watts Car Amplifier Circuit

| 2008/02/16

TDA7384 is carried out with a nice amp circuit powered + 2.13 volt single supply 22w power at 4Ω speakers can give TDA7384 and very little material is being established for the project and the amplifier circuit diagram drawing eagle drawing printed circuit there. TDA7384 4 x 35w quad bridge car radio amplifier high output…

TDA7240 Stereo 20W Amplifier Circuit

| 2008/02/14

Especially Pioneer, Kenwood, Sony, etc.. TDA7240 is used in popular brands like car stereo integrated amplifier powered with a simple amp 12 volt single supply integrated circuit with a power output of 20 watts and two prompts, stereo can use the circuit used. Integrating the output short circuit, over temperature protection there. TDA7240 The TDA7240A…

IRFP240 Mosfet Amplifier 30w (single-ended class-A)

| 2008/02/14

Very nice design motherboard cpu cooler to cool the MOSFETs used in the most excellent single source of supply + 40 volts is not symmetric Class A Amplifier circuit 30w output power at 4Ω speakers are powered by +40 v supply voltage Mosfets IRFP240 used 4 was prepared with PCB Layout View and Print output…

400W Mosfet Amplifier Circuit

| 2008/02/12

A beautiful design power and operating voltage pretty high 🙂 detailed explanation (in English) diagrams and PCB files are photos of a top version, but not much change According to the calculations used transformer power 625W output voltage 2x50v total 100v ac Be careful, high voltage Rectifier post dc voltage 70V DC + – 2x70v…

High Power 2200W Amplifier Circuit

| 2008/02/07

2200W High cost an amplifier project if you want to go ahead kck87 our friend minding 2200w amp circuit Proteus ares with PCBs have drawn 56 IRFP250 Mosfets used supply voltage is too high (+-150V) Be careful circuit now has not been tested. 2200W amplifier circuit drawing extension’s source has pcb ares proteus .. High…

LM3886 TDA7318 Digital Amplifier AT90S8535

| 2008/01/22

AT90S8535, TDA7318 and LM3886 have been realized with digital amp system LED Indicator-signal input selection can be made, unfortunately explanations could not solve in a language 🙂 but ATMEL microcontroller dealing with people a good source AT90S8535 source for. Bas code all schematic documents have a project 4 found out occurs cpu preanf border amp…

RMS 50W Hi-Fi Amplifier Circuit

| 2008/01/22

2 for two different transistor pcb printed circuit crafted case you can use the appropriate Transistor 2N3055 and MJ2955 Used in metal sheath version TIP3055 and the plastic-type metal-sheathed version is more powerful than TIP2955 size and structure, but with better heat transmission cooler installation more difficult. Circuit 8Ω speaker with 50W RMS 4Ω speaker…