graphic lcd Volt amp meter circuit pic16f877 microcontroller Board, with the addition of the mc34063 dc-dc converter circuits and the l5973 used in the screenshot lm324 opamp GLCD MTG-12864B current and voltage information displaying. GLCD Volt ampere Meter circuit PCB is not a drawing but GLCD amps volts meter circuit source C, hex codes and circuit diagram.
MTG-12864B GLCD PIC16F877 Volt Amp Meter:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-19619.zip
Published: 2012/09/01 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f877 projects
Development Board PIC18F2550 PIC18F4550
PIC18F4550 and PIC18F2550 prepared for the experiment set of circuit than the regular seems simple, each chapter PCBs indicated on the layout also pretty good easily can be selected power source, LEDs, buttons, op amp LM35, EEPROM, relay, L293 motor drive, potency connections, ds1807 clock in addition there are sections in the header socket connections of the microcontroller’s port. pcb printed circuit drawing of the experimental set PIC18F2550 PIC18F4550 proteus ares prepared by the source. LytA files there.
Spannungsamperemeterschaltung PIC16F877
Grafik LCD-Volt-Amp-Meter-Schaltung pic16f877 Mikrocontroller-Board, mit der Zugabe der DC-DC-Wandler-Schaltungen mc34063 und der L5973 im Screenshot lm324 Opamp GLCD MTG-12864B Strom- und Spannungsinformationen angezeigt. Glcd Volt ampere Meter Schaltung PCB ist keine Zeichnung, sondern GLCD Amps Volt Meter Schaltung Quelle C, Hex-Codes und Schaltplan.