PWM Motor Control Circuit HPWM PIC16F876 Frequency Modulated

| September 6, 2024 Updated
PWM Motor Control Circuit HPWM  PIC16F876  Frequency Modulated

Hello friends.

Recent studies have adjustable frequency PWM motor control circuit that I want to share with you.

Circuit is designed using pic16f876 and HPWM hardware. I used IRF540N MOSFETs in the payload. Mosfet Mosfet driver I used to drive the TLP250. With mCi TLP250 to the payload portion is fully insulated with chassis. The motor with electronic cards are given separately.

Max.24 volt supply to the engine is provided. ‘ll Use 15volt supply voltage according to the motor can provide 24 volts. Also, your engine can adjust according to the PWM frequency.

Normally I use a 12 volt motor is small for a small engine efficiency at high frequencies did not get much. If the reason was to remain low supply voltage. Max. Get our frequency 10416hz which there was no sound from the engine. But the falling value of 90 and was beginning to turn over the engine.



pwm-hpwm-pic16f877proteus-isis-picbasic-3-120x120 pwm-hpwm-pic16f877proteus-isis-picbasic-4-120x120 pwm-hpwm-pic16f877proteus-isis-picbasic-5-120x120 pwm-isis-pcb-hpwm-120x120

Finally, let me specify some points to consider friends. I use mine in the vicinity of the motor nominal current is 1 amp power supply input for the engine 3Amp diode’m currently using. If you are using the engine more current çekşy you absolutely must slightly change the payload.

All files belonging to the motor control circuit:

PWM Motor Control Circuit HPWM PIC16F876 Frequency Modulated


Published: 2011/05/01 Tags: , , , , , ,

1 Comment “PWM Motor Control Circuit HPWM PIC16F876 Frequency Modulated

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