Pic16f628 microcontroller-DS18B20 sensor clock thermometer based on the project has been very useful and detailed narration.
On the streets, the streets often started to see their side – instantly claiming your dependability or your willingness to serve the public, Turkish people maybe advertisers pay attention çekmekdeki with the application of the new method of gauge, thermometer and clock.
In this study, 4 x 7 segment display, 4-digit, with a precision thermometer and 0.0625 C 00-23 time range, highly accurate digital clock. Hardware micro-controller Pic16F628A. The reason for this is, maybe it’s time to start my classic cümlelerimle, but have internal oscillator, and in this way reduce the need for hardware, I add a few low cost and feature, Timer 1 timer with external oscillator to run, and the callee can (sleep mode). Thanks to this feature, you need an external clock not only connected to 32,768 KHz (DS1302) Crystal saydırılarak hours were calculated
slightly larger than the 7 segments in hardware. 44 mm with a common anode 7segment displays, 74HC595 Shift registerlarıyla. The reason for this is that the hardware installation of the recorder’s preferred speed (1 of 1ns) and latch, and put çıkışlarıdır. In this way, the recorders installed in order, not necessary for the garbage characters and character erkanda 8 bit values after having been transferred to the outputs of the latch outputs recorders.
T1CO sucked inside the register, is shown above. In this study, T1CO 0b00001110 for the register value is stored in the startup configuration. So clock source (Bit.1) external oscillator, clock synchronization (Bit.2) has been passive and active oscillator (Bit.3).
Sistem başlangıçta 00:00 saat değeriyle başlamaktadır. Saat değeri 5 saniye görüntülenmekte, termometre değeri 5 saniye görüntülenmekte ve Antrak yazısı 4 saniye görüntülenmektedir.
Saatin ayarlanması için devreye 2 adet düğme eklenmiştir. Bu düğmelerde Saat Seç düğmesi bu işlemler tamamlandıktan sonra kabul edilmektedir. Yani saati ayarlayabilmek için ANTRAK yazısı yazmaya başladığında düğmeye basın ve bekleyin.
Author: Tolga TAŞTAN (Thanks to the people who contributed to prepare )
Clock Thermometer project files:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-22898.zip
Published: 2014/02/26 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects, pic16f628 projects
Pic16f84 RGB Led Strip Animation Circuit
PIC made with 8-channel moving light circuit. Combine some of this circuit outputs a rgb led Ribbon. the result satisfying. Three different buttons animation circuit. Which if you hold that the animation comes in. If you connect the pushbutton switch instead of the constant animation of the animation to remain stable.
The circuit is required for the Pic16f84 microcontroller 5 volts. Works with a maximum of 5 volt pic16f84. The circuit used for working between 9-12v Led Strip is also likely to feed source. Pic16f84 microcontroller the voltage regulator IC, which is required for the operating voltage is provided. LM7805 The software that Integrated leg 100n comparisons capacitor LM7805 Pic16f84 parasites. The processor’s output is sent to the LEDs through the ports by strengthening a bc548.
Mit der 4-Stelligen 7-Segment-Zeit DS18B20 Thermometer pic16f628
Pic16f628 microcontroller-DS18B20-sensor-Uhr-thermometer basierend auf dem Projekt wurde sehr nützliche und detaillierte Erzählung.