Title not fully descriptive of integrated CMOS op-amp and I said, but used in some specific integrated in projects Metal detector circuit with the same features as the previous microcontroller circuit can measure 1.5 meters pb circuit diagram has all the details a list of materials used in the coil winding information on page 5 of the pdf file
Circuit 4011B, 40408, LM318, 4016B, TLC555 (NE555 timer) based on the integrated these parts can be easily found in the market but there BY4O7 research, but I have a special diode can be difficult
Analog Metal Detector Project
source : http://www.geotech1.com/pages/metdet/projects/
Alternative links for all metal detector project
Analog Metal Detector Circuits dw link
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2009/03/09 Tags: analog circuits projects
Digital camera flash, continuous light modified
N555 to the one-in flash unit in a digital camera based on the modified MOSFET been supplemented with a simple control circuit to provide continuous light is provided Flash