Crossover, Active Audio Filter Circuits NE5532 Opamp

| September 7, 2024 Updated
Crossover, Active Audio Filter Circuits  NE5532 Opamp

Active filter circuits are made using ne5532 opamps, there are 2 and 3 way versions (low pass, band pass, high pass) also there are formulas for opamp calculations and sample schematics, there are pcb drawings of all circuits, working voltages are +- 15v symmetrical.



Crossover, Active Audio Filter Circuits NE5532 Opamp


Published: 2011/05/11 Tags:

3 Comments “Crossover, Active Audio Filter Circuits NE5532 Opamp

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    Multi EEPROM Programmer Circuit

    The computer’s serial port or lpt eeprom programming circuit running through a lot of useful supports model. Eeporm programming circuit between 7 …. 15v dc adapter can run with. I have not tried, but as computer software used prograg pony. Moreover, the circuit diagram pcb and dosyalarıda has been prepared by eagle.

  2. Vedant PojgeVedant Pojge

    Zip file has protected.. what’s the password?


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