VU Meter circuit with LM3915 has a lot to do with this circuit based on the difference between the ambient sound from the burning of LEDs speech, müzük, television, etc.. VU Meter circuit as compared to non-working microphone sound output of the TDA2822 amp is being upgraded with integrated LM3914 50k potentiometer input is given to the sensitivity can be adjusted. LM3915 and LM3916 LM3914 can be used instead of a printed circuit board “sprint layout” prepared with 10 ultra-bright blue LEDs are used looks just fine ..
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Published: 2011/10/29 Tags: analog circuits projects
Induction Furnace Circuit HIP6601
Metals used to melt induction Furnace in the system in a similar circuit .. Control floor hip6601 MOSFET driver used the circuit operating voltage of 12 volts DC writer drive, MOSFETs an old AMD motherboard scrap and ripped the coil chassis connected to the end 820nf 400v capacitor connected in series have additional current transformer using have made a simple LED indicator. HIP6601 driver number 3 made with input leg 74HCT4046 1 Hz – 10 MHz oscillator output is connected may kuyllanıl oscillator instead of 555 l.