Joking can be used as a fun tool, a simple TV remote control is preventing circuit Integrated circuit made with NE555 Timer. Tv Remote Jammer 10k potentiometer on the circuit to adjust the controls are doing
Published: 2008/01/13 Tags: 555 timer circuits, analog circuits projects, simple circuit projects
Old Cd Rom Track Player with Microcontroller
Old Cd Rom in handy if you want to make a Track Player PIC16F877 and AT89C51, AT89S52 controllers are made with good projects. Add to My Cdrom the features of the project with PIC16F877: Open, Close, forward, backward, Start, Stop, Eject, Close, Info cdrom audio output is also made with a simple ANFIS to strengthen the TDA2822 is on.
PIC16F877 Track Player
Scherz kann als lustiges Werkzeug verwendet werden, eine einfache TV-Fernbedienung verhindert Schaltung Integrierte Schaltung mit NE555 Timer. Tv Remote Jammer 10k Potentiometer auf der Schaltung, um die Steuerelemente einzustellen, tun