Previously KA2281 20 LED mono VU Meter to the circuit I shared the stereo version also am sharing this circuit 2 ka2281 used pcb printed circuit board dimensions mono version of the same operating voltage 12v dc R – L audio input located on the knob with LED combustion can adjust the level printed circuit sprint layout was prepared by
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18370.zip
pcb program: http://www.abacom-online.de/uk/html/dateien/demos/viewlayout50.exe
Published: 2012/01/15 Tags: audio control circuits, led projects, simple circuit projects
Handmade 350W Car Amplifier Circuit SG3525 DC to DC Converter
Nmos mosfet amp from the series 350 watts and nmos350 model cars for use in the state .. In addition to the bass filter cake is in supply sg3525 made with dcdc converters are made through the output 2 × 56 volts DC, a total of 112 volts also hoplarl protection floor was added in .
Of the amplifier chassis DC to AC inverter device is still used in cars prepared by modifying the chassis . SMPS circuit circuit Tahir prepared the same with my brother deemed ” SG3525 EI33 200 – 600w ATX DC- DC Converter ”
20 LED-Stereo-VU-Meter-Stromkreis KA2281
Bisher KA2281 20 LED-Mono-VU-Meter an der Schaltung Ich teilte die Stereo-Version auch diese Schaltung 2 Ka2281 verwendet Leiterplattenabmessungen Mono-Version der gleichen Betriebsspannung 12V DC R – L Audio-Eingang auf dem Knopf mit LED-Verbrennung befinden können Passen Sie das Level an