Indeed most useless, useless but fun machine 🙂 I think the most fun part of this machine is considered by many people hold many different models in the form of the same work done with lego 🙂 It was nice to watch videos, etc. with dry wood. There are many different designs.
Most Useless Machine videos do not work;
Published: 2012/10/08 Tags: technical video
Complete amplifier 100W TDA7294
100W Amplifier circuit based on TDA7294 vu meter on a single PCB (LM3914), bass, treble tone controls for setting circuit (opamp 4558) and the supply circuit’s. The potency of tone control circuit wires soldered to the metal chassis to be connected to the chassis vu meter circuit if the LEDs mounted in an inclined position would be better for boxing if done appearance Proteus ARES pcb circuit drawing has started. TDA7294 100W amp circuit can be fed with 2 × 15 ….. 2x24V Transformer 120w ..
Nutzlose Maschinenvideos
In der Tat am nutzlossten, nutzlos, aber Spaß Maschine 🙂 Ich denke, der Spaß am meisten Teil dieser Maschine wird von vielen Menschen betrachtet viele verschiedene Modelle in Form der gleichen Arbeit mit Lego gemacht 🙂 Es war schön, Videos usw. mit zu sehen trockenes Holz. Es gibt viele verschiedene Designs.