Atmel ATmega series of projects have been realized with the speedometer and LCD display are the different indicators used circuits.
Display circuit used Used atmega8l-8P. Hex file and prepared by Proteus. Dns file there. The circuit has two different versions of LCD ATMega16 and used ATMEGA8515
Speed Indicator Circuits files:
Speed Indicator Circuits Tachometer Atmel atmega8
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2008/02/18 Tags: atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects
EEPROM copier circuit Atmel AT90S2313
In particular, a lot of people dealing with television repair business that would work with an EEPROM circuitry in copying a one-to-one can copy my eepromu.
Copy circuit Atmel AT90S2313 built on a beautiful application PBC and. Hex. Thousand source files have the monitor television from various devices like 24xx series EEPROM using frequent failures of devices performing eprom files kpyalayıp backup can take a solid archives can create
EPROM copier