A circuit that makes mouse clicks at random times with ATmega8 microcontroller instead of programs known as Mouse Clicker or Automatic mouse click.
To make it look like a real mouse click of a person. Clicks were made randomly from 800 ms to 1200 ms (delay between clicks) and 150 ms to 350 ms (click duration). Since software cheats were detected in games, they found a hardware solution.
– Red LED shines softly with brightness from 0% to 70%, which means waiting.
– Green LED shows working by shining softly with brightness between 0% and 70%.
One of the side function keys of the mouse is used for control. When it is turned on, the microcontroller starts in standby mode. When you press the button once, it goes to working mode, and when you press it again, it goes to standby mode.
To completely stop the operation of the microcontroller and turn off the indicator, you need to hold the button for 2 seconds. The LEDs will flash once and then go off completely. You need to press the button once to turn it on – the microcontroller will go into standby mode.
Important!: You need to connect a 0.25W 220 Ohm resistor to the μ pin that goes to the button, just like the LED pins. This is not included in the schematic.
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
source: radiokot.ru/artfiles/6754/
Published: 2024/12/17 Tags: atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects