“” Handmade Toroidal Transformer Winding Machine “” Before handmade cores, transformer winding winder machinery, apparatus about the shares had many opportunities within the made available, but hand-made toroidal transformer winding machine made’ve never seen it would be difficult for sure, but the system properly works, given that labor is certain to remove too. Application videos and photos toroidal transformer winding machine, work, will give an idea about the structure.
Source: elektroda.pl/rtvforum/topic1573497.html
Published: 2012/01/13 Tags: technical video
Digital Caliper Reading MSP430 Launchpad
MSP430 Launchpad Kit classic application of the general as well as various projects are done in a short time many example projects on the internet spread this application on the market with 40 … 100tl of where you can find electronic caliper measurement data on the computer display and can record. Digital caliper out of the circuit board with the cable removed from the data, clock, 1.5v, GND terminals are used on the MSP430 Launchpad Kit. To view the caliper measurement information “realterm Serial Terminal” program used for different projects, this program is free and open source can be useful ..
Handgefertigte Ringkerntransformator-Wickelmaschine Bevor handgefertigte Kerne, Transformatorwickelmaschinen, Apparate über die Anteile viele Möglichkeiten innerhalb der zur Verfügung gestellten, aber handgefertigten Ringkerntransformator-Wickelmaschine hatten, hätte man es sicher noch nie gesehen, Aber das System funktioniert einwandfrei, da die Arbeit sicher auch wegfällt. Anwendung Videos und Fotos Ringkerntransformator Wickelmaschine, Arbeit, geben eine Vorstellung von der Struktur.