I also post a car amplifier, 100% own achievement. The amplifier consists of SMPS (switching source), SG3525 oscillator and 4 + 4 N-mos IRFZ48 and the amplifier is according to the “classic” N-mos 350 scheme with 6 IRFP240 endpoints. The transformer for SMPS is made of two smaller transformers recovered from an inverter, of which I used only the Es, coil with band, 4 + 4 turns in the primary and in the secondary I do not remember how many turns … I know that the voltage for the amplifier is +/- 56V in empty and falling to 52-53V with the amplifier at maximum. The box and the radiator is in fact the housing of a car inverter and modified only the front, it was made from the sheet (the cover of an old PC). I made a wiring with the bass and plug filter and one with SMPS, amplifier and DC detect. The harnesses are “drawn” by me in Sprint layout and for printing I used the Press and peel method.
Nmos mosfet amp from the series 350 watts and nmos350 model cars for use in the state .. In addition to the bass filter cake is in supply sg3525 made with dcdc converters are made through the output 2 × 56 volts DC, a total of 112 volts also hoplarl protection floor was added in .
Of the amplifier chassis DC to AC inverter device is still used in cars prepared by modifying the chassis . SMPS circuit circuit Tahir prepared the same with my brother deemed ” SG3525 EI33 200 – 600w ATX DC- DC Converter ”
In this case, the power of the PC power supply transformer ( EI33 , ER35 etc . ) can be connected , but if you pay attention nmos350 prepared for trial operation of the high frequency SMPS circuit resistance RT used 51k instead of 18k you can experiment with ..
CAUTION Be careful is working with high voltage capacitor circuit connections Beware + – If you connect the high voltage polarity may be large explosions before running the insured Power Line circuit , protective goggles
In addition Nmos350 dcdc SG3525 SMPS sprint layout of project you want to have in your drawing prepared by the PCB circuit do you do with a combination of both or just dcdc SMPS circuit …
350w amp + SMPS dc to dc
SMPS only dc to dc
Source: electrodb.ro/atelier/auto/amplificator-auto/ alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-18363.zip
Published: 2012/01/15 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, dc dc converter circuit, sg3525 circuit, transistor amplifier
50W Amplifier Circuit TDA1514
TDA1514 stereo previously had shared 2 × 50 amp circuit, see: TDA1514A high performance HiFi 2X50W amp circuit
This circuit can be used for single-channel 50w output printed circuit sizes quite small and symmetrical placement of smooth supply voltage can be between 2 × 10 volts, 30 volts 2x material list diagram, PCB drawings are upside down.
Handgemachte 350W Auto Verstärker Schaltung SG3525 DC zu DC Wandler
Nmos mosfet amp aus der serie 350 watt und nmos350 modellautos für den einsatz im stande .. neben dem bassfilter kuchen wird sg3525 mit dcdc konvertern geliefert die über den ausgang 2 × 56 volt gleichstrom, insgesamt sind 112 Volt auch hoplarl Basisschutz wurde hinzugefügt.
Vom Verstärkerchassis wird noch ein Gleichstrom-Wechselstrom-Wechselrichter in Autos verwendet, die durch Modifizieren des Chassis hergestellt wurden. SMPS-Schaltung Tahir bereitete dasselbe mit meinem Bruder vor, der als “SG3525 EI33 200 – 600w ATX-DC-DC-Wandler” gilt
In diesem Fall kann die Leistung des PC – Netzteiltransformators (EI33, ER35 usw.) Angeschlossen werden. Wenn Sie jedoch darauf achten, dass nmos350 für den Probebetrieb des Hochfrequenz – SMPS – Schaltungswiderstands RT verwendet wird, können Sie mit 51 k anstelle von 18 k experimentieren ..
VORSICHT Seien Sie vorsichtig beim Arbeiten mit Hochspannungskondensator-Schaltkreisanschlüssen. Vorsicht + – Wenn Sie die Hochspannungspolarität anschließen, kann es zu starken Explosionen kommen, bevor Sie den versicherten Stromkreis der Stromleitung betreiben. Tragen Sie eine Schutzbrille
sir can u share the pdf file of spms only
sir can u share the pdf file of spms only so i can take a direct print of it