N555 to the one-in flash unit in a digital camera based on the modified MOSFET been supplemented with a simple control circuit to provide continuous light is provided Flash
old camera and extracted the flash unit, but unfortunately part of the circuit went with the camera body, and I had to build a little clock to control the inverter. The idea mostly works (I got the unit to flash!), however the transistor overheated and melted part of my board
Source: cibomahto.com/ Digital camera flash, continuous light modified schematic alternative link:
Digital camera flash, continuous light modified
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2009/03/08 Tags: power electronic projects
PIC16F877 PIC16F84 Proteus isis Picmicro Development Board Simulations
The code for 16F877 microcontroller 16f84 written ready for trial test circuit in Proteus ISIS additional 3 pcs 5 pcs assembly application (king rider, walking light flashers) have