The purpose of the Motor Driver Test card is to check any of the motor drivers used especially in CNC machines. The tester is connected directly to the motor driver board instead of the interface. The tester has 4 switches that determine the state of Direction Signals (change direction of rotation), Enable (drive enable), Step – ½ step (resolution configuration), and finally the fourth switch that cuts off the step signal.
The oscillator, which allows the motor to be stopped but energized, ie the position is maintained, can also be stopped by the enable signal, but remains in the de-energized state.
The classic and very inexpensive LM555 was used for the oscillator, the frequency of the oscillator is easily controlled by changing the rotational speed of the motor through a potentiometer.
CNC Motor Driver Test Circuit Diagram
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format or file): 27872a.rar pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2021/09/19 Tags: 555 timer circuits, analog circuits projects