TDA8571J an amplifier for the four channels, each with a capacity of up to 40W to the this amplifier is the smallest size and ready for installation under dashboard of your car. After seeing the catalog for integrated circuits amplifiers, I came across a really interesting circuit TDA8571J
TDA8571J characteristic: TDA8571J circuit is an integrated power amplifier Class-B saved in a plastic case with a 23-pin SIL. The amplifier is designed BTL technology models with fixed gain 34 db. Output power for each circuit of the four channels is 40W at 4Ω load.
TDA8571J Schematic Diagram
Standby current consumption up to 100 mA, once we bring to this entry supply voltage, the circuit switches to Operating condition and ready to work. output DIAGNOSTIC in this construction is not used, is more suited to construction of a controlled microprocessors. This pin is hereby states according to the situation in which the circuit located. Status outlet DIAGNOSTIC signals: power overload, the incoming
limitation and the establishment of a disproportionate distortion, thermal overload, output short circuit
each channel and reverse polarity. The simplest indication of the state DIAGNOSTIC output would be connected LED to pin 9, if lit by signaled a fault condition of the circuit.
TDA8571J PCB Schematic files download:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25327.zip
Published: 2013/07/04 Tags: audio amplifier circuits, ic amplifier
NE555 melody circuit
Timing has an integrated circuit made ??with N555 hundreds of years in the market all the electronic equipment in the shop a popular integrated See here for a detailed knowledge of Turkish. Circuit as musical notes can give a voice to the series resistance values ??button is pressed, left to right according to the RE, DO, SI, LA, SOL, FA etc. Instead of going fixed resistor adjustable resistor (potentiometer) using different voices are granted
Auto 4X40W Verstärkerschaltung mit TDA8571J
TDA8571J ein Verstärker für die vier Kanäle mit jeweils einer Kapazität von bis zu 40W zu diesem Verstärker ist die kleinste Größe und bereit für den Einbau unter dem Armaturenbrett Ihres Autos. Nachdem ich den Katalog für Verstärker für integrierte Schaltungen gesehen hatte, stieß ich auf eine wirklich interessante Schaltung TDA8571J
TDA8571J Charakteristik: TDA8571J Schaltung ist ein integrierter Leistungsverstärker Class-B in einem Kunststoffgehäuse mit einem 23-Pin-SIL gespeichert. Der Verstärker ist BTL-Technologie-Modelle mit fester Verstärkung 34 dB ausgelegt. Die Ausgangsleistung für jede Schaltung der vier Kanäle beträgt 40 W bei 4 Ω Last