Electronic Calculation programs for Borland C + + source code and all. Exe setup file in case there are 8 preset programs.
Active filter, Converter calculator, Pulse transformers Designer tools, Filter for acoustic system, the LC-filter desing, Parametric stabilizer, Symmetrical multivibrator, Timbre block
The Russian language is the only problem, but I wanted to share the source code that could at least limp 🙂 or someone else makes the translation will benefit everyone
Source: moskatov.narod.ru alternative link:
Electronic Calculation Programs (+ Source Code Borland C) dw link
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2011/05/01 Tags: electronics software tools
PIC18F2550 USB Hid project Csharp CCS C
USB Hid project microcontroller used in Pic18f2550 software is a computer program designed with CCS C C sharp (Visual Studio 2010). All source code has been given a simple usb hid example also prepared with the circuit simulation and proteus isis UsbLibrary. dll files.