Made with six white LED night light without a transformer, making it simple easy-to- Be Careful attention to high voltages are present Circuit Thanks to our brother Murat BAYGIN primarily a very nice application
Incandescent or fluorescent light bulb (energy saving bulbs) 9-11W energy spend night lights made of ultra-bright LED night light that is close in energy expenditure 1/4W. Low power consumption due to LED lighting is growing day by day. As seen in the figure that a bad night lamp ideal for saving bulb box creates a box
Circuit a gloomy light was created using 6 LEDs. Number of LEDs and circuit elements by setting the value of the higher light values achieved.
Transformerless LED Night Light Circuit Schematic
Caution High voltage is present in the circuit.
Published: 2008/02/13 Tags: analog circuits projects, led projects, simple circuit projects
400W Mosfet Amplifier Circuit
A beautiful design power and operating voltage pretty high 🙂 detailed explanation (in English) diagrams and PCB files are photos of a top version, but not much change
According to the calculations used transformer power 625W output voltage 2x50v total 100v ac Be careful, high voltage Rectifier post dc voltage 70V DC + – 2x70v = 140V dc (50 x 1:41) rectification is used to bridge diode 35 amp metal type filter capacitors + – channel two per 10,000 uF 100volt
400 Watts RMS
LED Nachtlichtkreis Trafolos
Hergestellt aus sechs weißen LED-Nachtlichtern ohne Transformator, wodurch es einfach zu handhaben ist. Sorgfältige Beachtung von Hochspannungen ist vorhanden. Schaltung Dank unseres Bruders Murat BAYGIN in erster Linie eine sehr schöne Anwendung
Glühbirne oder Leuchtstofflampe (Energiesparlampen) 9-11 W Nachtlicht aus ultrahellem LED-Nachtlicht mit einem geringen Energieverbrauch von 1/4 W. Der geringe Stromverbrauch durch LED-Beleuchtung steigt von Tag zu Tag. Wie in der Abbildung zu sehen ist, schafft eine schlechte Nachtlampe, die sich ideal zum Speichern von Lampenboxen eignet, eine Box