Author Archives: Yusuf usta

Disco Light Effects System with PIC16F876

| 2014/03/06

It is a circuit for the circuit only show animation, colored lights and sound in proportion to the severity of a circuit to change the animation speed, also have created this. Usually known as disco effects, disco lights, etc.. Mounted to the surface in the form of a circle of colorful glass circuit stepper motor…

ATmega16 Analog-Looking Digital Clock Project

| 2014/03/02

Atmega16 microcontroller in our circuit monitor 7 inch in size. Screen “3 inch” or “4 inch” may be, it doesn’t matter. We have the biggest screen by controlling the foot links we could find. In circuit 7805 voltage regulated chip. 9 Volt battery restraints when it integrated provides the proper functioning of the circuit elements,…

Pic16f84 RGB Led Strip Animation Circuit

| 2014/02/25

PIC made with 8-channel moving light circuit. Combine some of this circuit outputs a rgb led Ribbon. the result satisfying. Three different buttons animation circuit. Which if you hold that the animation comes in. If you connect the pushbutton switch instead of the constant animation of the animation to remain stable. The circuit is required…

Pic16f877 With Bottle Filling System

| 2014/02/21

In this article, and a student friend, talk about his work with a bottle filling machine from the block schema system easier. Block diagram of bottle filling machine; 1: Tape engine starts to spin. “GETTING a NEW BOTTLE” author 2: Sensor detects when the motor stops the bottle. The screen is GETTING READY to BE…

Digital Voice Recorder Circuit 60 120 Seconds

| 2012/05/26

The position of the material, is indicated on the print. (Refer to the wiring diagram.) ISD1760 (60sec), ISD1790 (90sn), ISD17120 (120 seconds) 1N 4007 7805 3 LEDs bulbs 1 Piece condenser microphone 3 pcs 3 pcs 1K 4.7K 82K 1Adet 2 pcs 10K 7pcs 100nF 2 Piece 4.7 mF 1 Quantity: 470mf Press the left…