Author Archives: SsEeRrCcAaNn


About SsEeRrCcAaNn

He was born in 1991 in Tekirdağ and resides in Tekirdağ. He completed his high school education in Tekirdağ Industrial Vocational High School, Electrical Electronics Technology - Electrical Household Appliances, and graduated from Namık Kemal University Technical Sciences Vocational School - Mechatronics Department. He makes and shares applications that work on Pascal, Delphi, Lazarus, PicBasic and jal/jalv2 languages that he has learned throughout his student life. He works as an aircraft technician at a private flight school and prepares projects and articles whenever he finds time.

Character LCD with Jalv2 Large Font

| 2013/08/14

Character LCDs used in the custom-defined characters outside of the Standard Fonts. In this article; using a custom-defined Character parts and proper typing program code as displayed on the screen such as the following one line 2 line font name can be used. The only bad side to fit on the screen at the same…

Circular Saw To Cut The PCB Assembly

| 2012/07/23

Hello, PCB cutting and 15cm in diameter for use in similar jobs receive diamond tipped circular saw blades drill with drill bit hogrings hooked. And did 18mm’lik bench with MDF. it was just fine. Spera I want to set the size of the cut in the PCB’m performing properly. No more than a simple system…

Thermometer Circuit LM35 PIC12F675

| 2011/12/21

LM35DZ circuit is used as temperature sensors. This sensor is able to output between 0 and 100. The reason for choosing the microcontroller 12F675 and 12F675 jalv2 languages ​​in use in the show as well as the insufficient number of pins used with a controller is to demonstrate how the display. When the circuit actually…

Counter Circuits Jalv2 pic16f628

| 2011/11/13

Circuits PIC16F628 microcontrollers are based on the screening method using the program, the language is written with Jalv2. When the circuit board with resistors inside the blue frame on the right side, just because it was used to study the use of simulation will be healthy. Instead of an external crystal in the crystal circuits…

PIC16F628 King Rider Circuit JALV2

| 2010/08/01

Picbasic aside, it is easy to write code for various circuits with the jal language, but it is difficult to find sufficient Turkish resources, there are few users, but many problems can be solved with sample applications, when the codes are examined, they can give new ideas. The isis simulation files belonging to the circuit…