There are intense ATtiny2313 AT90S2313 projects, also there are programmatic circuits in analog circuits.
An Even Better LC Meter Based on Atmel AVR ATTINY861
A Pretty Good LC Meter Based on an AVR ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
LC Determination by Resonant Frequency Measurement ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
MAX038 Function-Sweep Generator with Markers ATtiny2313 AT90S1200A
A Little More Serious Frequency Meter-CounterATtiny2313 AT90S2313
Frequency Meter and Pulse Generator ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
Digital Lock-in Milliohmmeter ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
Digital RF Field Strength Indicator ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
RF Field Strength Probe AT90S1200A
LTD-Low Cost Telemetering Device; ATMega8 scanning voltmeter with Morse Code output ATMega8
Waveform Monitor with LCD ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
Terminal Interface with Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
Scanning Voltmeter with Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler ATMega8
Frequency Meter with Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
LCD Display with Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
Tiny Tuned Loop Antennas for the Minimum Mass Wireless Coupler
Digital wireless for the bench top ATtiny12
RS-232 to Wireless Instrument Data Channel ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
Frequency meter with wireless Data Channel ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
FM Transmitter With Crystal Referenced PLL Frequency Control Using LMX1601 ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
1750 Meter Lowfer Band amplitude modulated RF source ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
A Dual Mode Superhet-Direct Conversion AM receiver for 181.818 kHz Lowfer ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
AttoBasic Byte-Wide interpreter for ATtiny2313 and AT90S2313
AttoBasic AT90S8515-ATMEGA8515 and ATmega163
AVR Firmware Monitor Program AVR Controllers with on-chip UART
Minimum Mass Waveform Capture with AVR AVR controllers with RAM
DS: Test and development tool for DS interface ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
DS: Clock-Calendar-Alarm with EEPROM-based interpreter and DS Interface ATtiny12
DS: 3 channel 8 bit EEPROM DAC with DS interface ATtiny12
ATtiny12 Fuse Restorer AT90S1200A
EEPROM Driver for 24LC64 128 and 256 AVR Controllers
8 Channel PWM PWM Code AVR Controllers
AVR Serial Programmer AT90S1200A ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
AVR 8 and 20 pin programming adapter
Lazy ISP Adaptor for Socketed AVR ISP Controllers
Barker Code-Locked Loop Synchronous DemodulatorATtiny2313 or AT90S2313 ATtiny12
Half-flying capacitor analog multiplexer for microcontrollers AVR Controllers or other with tristate I- pins
Experimental 1 kHz Synchronous Demodulator ATtiny2313 AT90S2313
Garden Watering Timer Gates and counters; no microcontroller
Door chime Privacy Sentry ATtiny12
Morse Code Alarm Clock modification with ATtiny2313-AT90S2313
Source: cappels.org ATTINY2313 AT90S2313 Applications alternative link:
ลifre-Pass: 320volt.com
Published: 2008/05/08 Tags: avr project, microcontroller projects, pwm circuits
IR2153 ATX Transformer with Symmetrical Output SMPS Circuit
They say ๐ This should be simple SMPS IR2153 and basic materials, as well as passive components symmetric with a goat SMPS Circuit
Control Circuit IR2153 is based on very few elements are used on the control circuit board installed bred through other departments ๐ P4 power supply used on the circuit has become a bit cut off harvester: D