The RGB Led version of the Led Heart Circuit Music Box I shared earlier, the RGB LED version of the RGB Led Effect circuit, the PIC12F629 RGB mood light section in the previous circuit was used. There are many working modes in the parallel circuit with 20 5mm RGB LEDs, you can memorize the mode you like.
For information about the list and operation of RGB LED Mood Light effect modes, you can refer to the previous Led heart article. If possible, RGB leds should be diffuse type, I couldn’t find them, I used transparent leds, I sanded the tops of the leds and it became manageable, but diffused would be much better.
I forgot to add the SOT89 NPN transistors used in the PIC12F629 outputs to the order list, instead I used 2SC945. The PCB design of the RGB Led heart circuit has been prepared with Sprint layout 6, the icons on the upper layer can be completely soldered so that a more beautiful appearance can be obtained by filling them with solder, or it can be adjusted in the color of the printing ink by selecting the icon and making the layer S1.
Although the 5mm leds are a little big, the appearance is nice, but it would be much better if a heart-shaped diffuse cover was placed on the leds. It can be done with a 3D printer or a simple mold CNC engraving etc.. There is a 7805 5V regulator layer on the circuit, it can be used directly with 8V …..18V DC or Lion battery..
RGB Led Heart Test Video
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format or file): 27668a.zip pass: 320volt.com
Source: picprojects.org.uk/projects/bigmosfetrgb/index.htm
Published: 2021/09/20 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects