Switched CDI Module sg3525 400V

| August 24, 2023 Updated
Switched CDI Module sg3525 400V

CDI (Capacitor discharge ignition) electronic ignition module output voltage of the power of 100 watts amp 400v 00:25. Ignition system developed by Bosch is used in cars and motorcycles.

Circuit UC3525 (SMPS-control) based on the design of flyback SMPS control IC SG3525 can be used instead. Moreover, the circuit can be an example for DC-DC high-voltage applications

CAUTION Be careful of the circuit’s high-voltage capacitors at the output connection Observe + – If you connect the high voltage polarity may be large explosions before running the insured Power Line circuit, protective goggles



I mentioned one for motorcycle applications BT151 thyristors, capacitors, diodes and resistors consist of a simple circuit


Files and details of the CDI Ignition circuit: vems.hu/wiki/index.php?page=CdiSupply (closed) Also the author gave a link in a transformerless application on the silicon chip site, but the site was closed.

Spare CDI Module for Small Gasoline Engines (SC version without transformer)

If the CDI module on your motorcycle, outboard, ride-on mower or other small petrol engine fails, you may experience a shock.

The CDI is a major improvement on older magneto ignition systems. The CDI not only provides higher spark energy, but also eliminates points that are inevitably subject to wear and require periodic cleaning, adjustment and replacement.

Switched CDI Module UC3525 400V all files:

Switched CDI Module sg3525 400V

Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com

Published: 2009/11/17 Tags: , ,

1 Comment “Switched CDI Module sg3525 400V

  1. Electronics CircuitsElectronics Circuits

    Relay IR (infrared) Sensor Circuit infrared Transceiver (tested)

    IR Sensor transmitter and receiver circuit consists of 2 parts as 250Hz 38kHz oscillator signal with the transmitter produces solid CD4093 receiver with IR LEDs on the receiver transmits a simple relay circuit works can be found in all parts market

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    Receiver circuit diagram


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