Amplifier Protection and Power Supply Circuits

| September 24, 2023 Updated
Amplifier Protection and Power Supply  Circuits

The powerful power supply circuits you can use in various power circuits, such as an amphibious, preamplified, etc. circuits, are available in low power designs as well as high power ones. Mile Slavkovic APEX series, which is made entirely of PCB designs with protection circuits in general, is doing fine projects by simplifying professional designs. Sharing power supply designs on the web can be used in many circuits.

Apex Active DC Servo Regulator

The LM78XX LM79XX and LM317 LM337 regulators are available in two different versions for the DC Servo regulator PCB design The output voltage regulation is made more stable with the NE5532 opamp, especially in Hi-Fi applications. This type of regulated circuits is used. After DC rectification, the value of the filter capacitors is a bit high 4700uF .. actually not a problem but better than 2200uF.

APEX AX11 Power Supply + Speaker Protection

There is a zobel filter and protective fuses used at the output of the <100> … 200W power supply suitable for an amps with a fuse DC voltage protection , The bridge diode and filter capacitors that will be twenty-four rounds of 2 mm pitch are controlled by the 24V relay on the speaker line on the pcb.

APEX APEX PSU Protection

This power supply circuit is equipped with an advanced protection system. When high current is drawn from the power supply, the speaker connection is cut off and the DC voltage at the output of the amplifier is disconnected in the same way + 56v-56v output for the amplifier, as well as symmetrical +12 -12v output and 24v fan output for tone control, preamp and so on.

APEX PSU7 Power Supply Soft start Speaker Protection

Designed for 300W … 500W high power amp, 220V soft stary line speaker with DC protection circuit and DC rectification section.

In high power circuits, the path thicknesses may not be sufficient, you may need to reinforce with solder the source pcb files of all power supply circuits have pcb drawings prepared with sprint layout.


Amplifier Protection and Power Supply Circuits


Published: 2018/06/10 Tags: , ,

3 Comments “Amplifier Protection and Power Supply Circuits

  1. Elektronisch ProjekteElektronisch Projekte

    Verstärker Schutz und Stromversorgungsschaltungen

    Die leistungsstarken Stromversorgungsschaltkreise, die Sie in verschiedenen Stromkreisen verwenden können, z. B. amphibische, vorverstärkte usw. Stromkreise, sind sowohl in Niederleistungs- als auch in Starkstromausführung verfügbar. Mile Slavkovic APEX-Serie, die vollständig aus PCB-Designs mit Schutzschaltungen im Allgemeinen besteht, macht feine Projekte durch die Vereinfachung professioneller Designs. Das Teilen von Stromversorgungsdesigns im Internet kann in vielen Schaltungen verwendet werden.

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    The receiving circuit and the transmitting circuit are fed separately with a 9 volt battery. The emitter circuit collects electret microphone sounds and emits a laser diode. The receiver uses a 4-36 ohm speaker and contains an amplifier. To operate the system, the laser receiver and transmitter must be able to see each other as usual. It is very difficult to intervene and listen to someone else in this system. Also, an infrared (IR) laser diode can be used if desired, and no one can see the beam.
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    Protection d’amplificateur et circuits d’alimentation

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