Adjustable Laboratory Power Supply SMPS design a lab power supply switching concept, which will work in kvazirezonancním fashion. The source should have one symmetrical output 0 to ±30 V / 5A (UCC28600) and one output single-ended +5V / 2A. (TOP243) Equipment opatrete digital indication of the output voltage and current and the electronic protection during short circuit. Characteristics of the resources to simulate in the program PSpice, design of each board printed circuit con in the Eagle program.
UCC28600 Adjustable SMPS Circuit Schematic
Based on previous design work through the construction of kvazirezonancního laboratory the power supply predepsaných parameter, including the design of a suitable transformer. The involvement of animate and through measuring its parameter, the received results compare with the parameters ocekávanými even obtained in the within the computer simulation.
0-30v lab power supply circuit pcb schematic all files alternative links:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25643.zip
Published: 2016/06/10 Tags: power electronic projects, power supply circuit, power supply project, smps circuits, smps projects, smps schematic
30W RF Power Amplifier Circuit Project
High-frequency RF Power Amplifier is a device that is able to change (amplify) the amplitude of the input signal using power supplied from the power supply. This energy is transformed into the amplified output signal and partly on the heat (the amount of the dissipated power radiated as heat is dependent on the efficiency of the amplifier). It can be seen as the active dvojbran. [1] Amplifier is one of the most widely used device in high-frequency RF Amplifier circuits. From the point of view of the width of the transmitted bandwidth can amplifiers divided into broadband and narrowband. The exact definition, when there is a narrowband amplifier and when the broadband amplifier is not uniquely determined. Generally a narrowband amplifier is considered to be one which satisfies the condition
Verstellbarer Schaltnetzteil Labor-Netzteil UCC28600 0-30V 5A
Einstellbare Labor Stromversorgung Schaltnetzteil design lab power supply switching-Konzept, die Arbeit wird in kvazirezonancním Mode. Die Quelle sollte einen symmetrischen Ausgang 0 bis ±30 V / 5A (UCC28600) und einem Ausgang (single-ended) +5V / 2A. (TOP243) Ausrüstung opatrete digitaler Anzeige von Ausgangsspannung und-Strom-und elektronischer Schutz bei Kurzschluss. Eigenschaften der Ressourcen zu simulieren, in das Programm PSpice, Gestaltung jedes board printed circuit con in das Eagle-Programm.