TOP249Y SMPS circuit audio amp. From the derived parameters of the sources in the previous paragraphs, we can now choose a control circuit of switching power supply. According to the required output power we have to choose between the circuits of the topswitch GX series. Between the circuits of this series was chosen circuit TopSwitch GX TOP249Y with the maximum obtainable power of 250W when used in a ventilated Chassis and the single input power supply voltage 230V.
SMPS Pulse transformer When choosing a suitable impulse transformer is necessary to ensure that the transformer. For nominal performance 202W was selected ferrite core manufacturer TDK type IE40, which also has sufficient space for the winding of all the windings.
TOP249Y Audio SMPS Power Supply Schematic
On the basis of the facts of the previous points of the proposal now, we can do computer-aided design resources for which they are intended the design programs from the manufacturer of the control circuit Power integration. On the website of the company Power Integration are these design programs freely available. For the initial computer design to use the program PIExpert. This program, enter the source parameters of the previous points of the proposal and the program creates a complete conceptual design of resources, including the selection of a suitable transformer, the use of the type of feedback and also performs the selection of the components for the output rectifier circuits. Power supply use STK428-610 Amlifier Circuit 2X70W Hi-Fi
SMPS circuit TOP249Y is used to control the feedback source. the circuit of the TOPswitch will respond by changing the duty cycle of switching and the voltage thus stabilized to the desired value. The secondary voltage of the impulse transformer have the character of a pulse of the encoded signal of the switching frequency 130kHz. This voltage is then guided jednopulzními the rectifier and the switching frequency is removed and output LC filters. For the power supply of the power stage are ingested shottkyho diode, which is needed to sufficiently cool. For outputs with a low sampling are used ultrafast diodes.
Audio SMPS pcb schematic all files alternative links:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25737.zip
Published: 2016/06/20 Tags: power electronic projects, smps circuits, smps projects, smps schematic
2X100V 500W Audio Amplifier SMPS Power Supply
Class D Aplifier Switch mode power supply DESIGN OF THE POWER SUPPLY The whole device is necessary to power up of several voltages. The preamp requires a symmetrical voltage 15 V, IRS2092 class d power amplifier symmetric 100V and to +12 In the against the negative branch. The desired performance of the one-hundred-volt branches for the amp is 500 Watts of power, implying the capacity of each branch current of 2.5 a. Classic transformer to the mains voltage with the amount of the secondary windings with the above mentioned voltages would have been hard to come by and custom made one piece is an expensive proposition. For these reasons, it is preferable to use switching power supply, which has also a coil or a transformer, but their retraction, and the composition is substantially easier.
2X30V 250W Audio-Endstufe Schaltnetzteil TOP249Y
TOP249Y Schaltnetzteil Schaltung audio Verstärker. Aus den abgeleiteten Parameter der Quellen in den vorangegangenen Absätzen, wir können nun wählen, eine Steuerschaltung des Schaltnetzteils. Entsprechend der erforderlichen Ausgangsleistung, die wir haben zu wählen zwischen den schaltungen des topswitch-GX-Serie. Zwischen den schaltungen dieser Serie wurde gewählt, Schaltung TopSwitch-GX-TOP249Y mit der maximal erreichbare Leistung von 250W bei Verwendung in einem gut belüfteten Gehäuse und die single-input Stromversorgung Spannung 230V.