Especially Pioneer, Kenwood, Sony, etc.. TDA7240 is used in popular brands like car stereo integrated amplifier powered with a simple amp 12 volt single supply integrated circuit with a power output of 20 watts and two prompts, stereo can use the circuit used. Integrating the output short circuit, over temperature protection there.
TDA7240 The TDA7240A is a 20W bridge audio amplifier IC designed specially for car radio applications. Thanks to the low external part count and compact Heptawatt 7-pin power package the TDA7240A occupies little space on the printed circuit board.
.compact heptawatt package car radio
.fewexternal components output protected againstshort
.circuits to ground and across load
.dump transient .thermal shutdown
.high current capability lowdistortion/lownoise
TDA 7240 amplifier circuit Eagle PCB and schema files have been prepared by the great advantages of working with a standard 12-volt car you can use your PC powersupply voltage can work with most 12 volt transformer 50 watt transformer can use the outfitter had in Passive elements of a speaker cabinet are very few good writers with a nice audio data circuit placed into a wooden box with metal or aluminum box would be my suggestion.
Source: a-netz.de TDA7240 Stereo 20W Amplifier Circuit schematic pcb Alternative link:
Şifre-Pass: 320volt.com
IRFP240 Mosfet Amplifier 30w (single-ended class-A)
Very nice design motherboard cpu cooler to cool the MOSFETs used in the most excellent single source of supply + 40 volts is not symmetric
Class A Amplifier circuit 30w output power at 4Ω speakers are powered by +40 v supply voltage Mosfets IRFP240 used 4 was prepared with PCB Layout View and Print output Sprint Sprint Layout Viewer Program can use for free
IRFP240 30W Claas-A Mosfet Amplifier
Besonders Pioneer, Kenwood, Sony usw. TDA7240 wird in bekannten Marken verwendet, z. B. in integrierten Auto-Stereo-Verstärkern, die mit einer einfachen integrierten 12-Volt-Schaltung mit einer Ausgangsleistung von 20 Watt und zwei Eingabeaufforderungen betrieben werden. Stereo kann die verwendete Schaltung verwenden. Integration des Ausgangskurzschlusses, dort Übertemperaturschutz.