DC to DC converter An example might be the soldering iron 24V or charging battery pack for aeromodelling, or even power a laptop. Described converter is able without special transformer (and just plain Air coil with inductance of about 30μH) to deliver an output voltage adjustable in range of 20V to 30V when the power consumption of up to 3A. Output voltage while stabilized and the maximum change in the traffic-load and full load is less than 200mV. Maximum output power is 75W. output ripple voltage does not exceed 500mV (measured peak-to-peak).
TL497 DC DC Converter Schematic Diagram
TL497 from Texas Instruments, which works as a managing member of the so-called stepup- converter. Custom power switch consists SIPMOS transistor T1 (BUZ10). If the transistor T1 in the conductive state, current through inductor L1 (30μH) and accumulates in the the energy in the form of a magnetic field. At the time of the transistor T1 to L1 becomes a source of energy through the diode D1 (BYV79E) charges the output capacitors C2 and C3 (470μF/35V). They secondly filtered output voltage and power the load in when the transistor T1 (BUZ10) open. From the output through a resistive divider, formed trimmer P1 (10kΩ) resistor R4 (18kΩ) and resistor R5 (1.2 kΩ) sampling of the output voltage, which is IO1 TL497 comparing with an internal reference voltage and used for subsequent management of the switching Transistor T1 (BUZ10)
12V 30V DC to DC Converter Circuit TL497 PCB schematic files download:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25324.zip
Published: 2014/07/04 Tags: dc dc converter circuit, power electronic projects
LT1076 Step-Down 12V to 5V 2A Switching DC DC Converter
A small step down switching converter with a good yield which advantageously replace a linear regulator like 7805. efficiency 30% Linear 7805 efficiency Switching LT1076 80%
LT1076 Step-Down Switching integred Regulator 100kHz Switching Frequency 8.5mA Quiescent Current Programmable Current Limit Shutdown Mode
5V DC DC Converter LT1076 Schematic
12V bis 30V TL497 DC-DC-Wandler schaltung 20v-30v einstellbar
DC-DC Wandler Ein Beispiel wäre der Lötkolben 24V oder lade Batterie pack für aeromodelling, oder auch power-laptop. Beschrieben Konverter ist in der Lage ohne speziellen Übertrager (und einfach nur Luftspule mit der Induktivität von etwa 30µH) zur Abgabe einer Ausgangsspannung einstellbar im Bereich von 20V bis 30V wenn die Leistungsaufnahme mit bis zu 3A. Ausgangsspannung während stabilisiert und die maximale änderung in der traffic-Last und voll-Last ist weniger als 200mV. Die maximale Leistung beträgt 75W. Ausgangs-ripple-Spannung nicht überschreiten, 500mV (gemessen peak-to-peak).
Please answer to this question:
1- What is the C4 amount? 1G/16V ?!
2- why your PCB design is in mirror mode?
I print made directly this psb it is false.
misspelling C4: 1000μF/16V inverted PCB file; flip-horizontal.zip
Hi, would it be possible to change the circuit to have a negative voltage at the output? -0 to -30v