Just shared STM32F40X microcontroller atmega8 to control a power source according to the project feasibility project, it’s made with more power in the sight of ola, p-channel mosfet irf5305. That’s how things work in 2 different high-efficiency low-voltage 24…30v high-voltage buck and Boost LED indicator for voltage and current used in the display.
Gerber PCB is the power supply for the project, schema, source code and library files are there.
0-30V Adjustable power supply
source: sebulli.com alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-25448.zip
Published: 2016/04/22 Tags: atmega8 projects, avr project, microcontroller projects, power electronic projects, power supply circuit, power supply project
Tone-Controlled TDA7377 Amplifier Project
I guess you have to know the power amplifier tda7377 integrated a high-performance chip compared to the price.
TL074 Tone Control opamp DC rectifier used in the project on the floor low operating voltage DC 8V to 18V on the PCB is integrated with solid filte… 50…the AC outlet 12V DC 60W transformer you can use highest.
I used an old ATX power supply for ATX chassis boxing of the boxes is very helpful for this kind of transactions. All the circuit ATX power supply compatible safe, at least around me was sleeping. I tried so hard to not cut the size of the heatsink alone. The old transformer 5+1 out of the system approximately 70-80w it looks like. In the circuit, o posted by Box necessarily must be connected to the places .As shown with screws from the bottom with the tip of the cable and the cable hooked up. In fact, drilling the screw holes plaque can be connected directly to the pots according to height.
0-30V DC-DC Einstellbare Netzteil ATmega8
Nur freigegebene STM32F40X mikrocontroller atmega8 zur Steuerung einer Stromquelle gemäß der Machbarkeit der Projekte Projekt ist, dass es zu mehr macht in den Augen von ola p-Kanal-mosfet irf5305. Das ist, wie die Dinge funktionieren, 2 verschiedene high-efficiency low-Spannung 24…30v high-voltage-buck-und Boost-LED-Anzeige für Spannung und Strom in der Anzeige verwendet.