Power supply circuit 0 … 400v voltages setting 22mA … 600mA (maximum 1A) from the current setting is able circuit TCA785 phase control integrated on the more complicated but the voltage is high, the design for which we are accustomed system different from the tl081 opamp to feed used dcdc converter on the market have found me hardly necessary as not arrived but the authors have used the tl081 opamp symmetrical fed +-12v and operated 15v dc voltage 2x12V the çevirilip integrated fed dcdc converter or replace additional transformer used or TRA2 transformer accordingly additional coil can be chosen. PCBs belong to the power supply circuit, diagram drawings and material lists there ..
attention to 0-400V 22mA-600mA Regulated Power Supply circuit with high voltage works be careful capacitor connection Observe the + – polarities reversed if you connect high-voltage large explosions could circuit before running the insured Power Line, wear safety goggles
source: tubeland.de/Kapitel1.htm alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-19959.zip
Published: 2012/11/19 Tags: power electronic projects, power supply circuit, power supply project
Led Wall Washer Led Lighting
LED Wall Washer quite popular very sophisticated applications , there are those made in larger sizes will share the cost of the circuit can be used for small-scale jobs is low and it is easy to make . There are an average of 65 LEDs on the circuit . Circuit 12V DC and is working with the third line of logic has been designed with LEDs in series . McD and will use half- angle of the LED is very important. Wide angle for close distances you can use to narrow angle LEDs
Hochspannung 400V geregelte Stromversorgung
Stromversorgung Schaltung 0 … 400V Spannung Einstellung 22mA … 600mA (maximal 1A) von der aktuellen Einstellung ist in der Lage Schaltung TCA785 Phasensteuerung integriert auf der komplizierter, aber die Spannung ist hoch, das Design, für das wir System sind anders als die tl081 OPAMP zu feed verwendet dcdc konverter auf dem markt haben mich kaum notwendig als nicht angekommen, aber die autoren haben die tl081 opamp symmetrisch fed + -12v und betrieben 15v dc spannung 2x12V die çevirilip integrierte fed dcdc konverter oder ersetzen zusätzliche transformator verwendet oder TRA2 transformator entsprechend zusätzlich Spule kann gewählt werden. Leiterplatten gehören dort zum Stromkreis, Planzeichnungen und Materiallisten