I have added to my list of useful, a lot of my work is a system to facilitate the “Preheating Machine” author told that more quickly by pressing the PCB the PCB with the ironing pressure using make, but can be used in so many different things depending on the situation, for example, repair work, especially for PC, laptop, etc. without removing the main cards parts before disassembling the front heating can be achieved more easily with parts or soften the pressed boxes etc..
Junkyards can be evaluated even bigger 2 irons irons sold with the need to make.
Ironing resistance temperature adjustment for LM358, TIC253 TRIAC circuits based on control circuit used CD4093 TIC253 TRIAC MOC3021 opto TRIAC driver is being used for detection of heat insulation with heat sensor KTY84
source: lucaslab.grandhost.pl/lucaslab/plyta_do_termotransferu.htm
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-22801.zip
Published: 2014/03/06 Tags: interesting projects electronics
ATmega48 gas leakage Detector (MQ-4 sensor)
Gas detector circuit ATMEGA48 microcontroller based on the used gas sensor MQ-4 gas when it detects buzzer with audible warning in addition to the RGB LEDs with a warning status reported in the blinking green, green, flashing red, red. PCB Design SMD components used half the size of a small Leak Gas Detector circuit Resources Bascom and hex codes DipTrace PCB drawing files there .. Gas detector circuit assembly with the ceiling of 10 …. 20cm distance must be gas source and the distance between the at least one meter must be
Eisen-Basis Mit Vorwärmung Maschine
Ich habe Hinzugefügt, um meine Liste der nützlichen, viel von meiner Arbeit ist ein system zu erleichtern “Vorwärmen Maschine” Autor mitgeteilt, dass Sie schnell durch drücken der platine die platine mit dem Bügeleisen und Druck mit machen, kann aber verwendet werden, in so viele verschiedene Dinge, je nach situation, zum Beispiel -, Reparatur-arbeiten, besonders für PC, laptop, etc. ohne Beseitigung der wichtigsten Karten, die Teile vor der Demontage der vorderen Heizung mehr erreicht werden kann leicht mit teilen oder erweichen Sie die gedrückt, Kisten etc..