I tested the Joke Remote on Samsung, Toshiba, Arcelik, Vestel televisions. It can turn on and off. Arcelik TV was a very old model, it only turned it off. 2021 model toshiba also turned it on and off when the button was pressed. Keep the button pressed when the TV does not turn off.
There are 3 versions of TV-B-GONE clone PIC12F675 software, I downloaded the latest v2.1 software, it gives an error like the size of the pickit2 hex file is large, but the installation was done and the circuit worked without any problems.
In the remote control article for all televisions, I shared the circuit made with atmel ATTINY85. This project has source asm, hex, control .inc files of the joke control project based on the PIC12F675 microcontroller.
TV-B-GONE is a universal infrared TV turn off remote control. The PIC12F675 is the realized clone version that can send the most common IR shutdown codes. For testing, I built the circuit on a perforated plate, so I used IRF9540 mosfet because I did not have IRLML5203 mosfet. I prepared PCB drawings prepared by the author and for DIP materials.
Note: PCB drawings are checked against the circuit diagram but not tested. The protection 1N4007 diode at the voltage input causes a voltage loss of around 0.7v. If you say that there is no risk of reverse voltage, you can connect a direct jumper instead of a 1N4007 diode.
TV-B-GONE Clone Circuit Diagram PIC12F675
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format or file): 28000a.rar pass: 320volt.com
Source staff.uni-bayreuth.de/~bt150361/Elektronik-Praktikum/tv/
Published: 2021/09/19 Tags: microchip projects, microcontroller projects
Once I bought something similar on Allegro, it contained three IR LEDs, I added a Li-ion battery. The faces of the kids “testing” consoles in Saturn – priceless
I once watched material on the original of this idea. From what I remember, the author was surprised that it was in thousands, and it was kind of like a gadget;)
Cool thing with ubiquitous screens
Give the actuator of a fast FET to 12V, followed by an IR illuminator from CCTV and a lens? So to turn off the neighbor through the window: lol:
Of course, to turn off the quiet night noise device after 10 p.m.
And the illuminator does not work at a different wavelength than the IR diode in the remote control?
Efficiency may be mediocre unless there are power LEDs with the same wavelength on the market …
I don’t know in numbers, but it’s probably closer to the visible spectrum, because … you can see it shining. However, the photodiode in the receiver should respond. After all, the optical bandpass filter (black receiver housing) is not particularly narrow and steep.
The wavelength may be the same as the remote control.
There are different illuminators. So visible and so invisible.
The remotes themselves also have different LEDs.
It may even work at two wavelengths. For an IR receiver it is a small difference in what wavelength the transmitter will be.
Two random TSSOP receivers that I checked have the following sensitivities:
1.950nm: 100%, 840nm: 25%
2.950nm: 100%, 840nm: 10%
So for one it will be a small difference in total (the light intensity of the point source decreases with the square of the distance, so a 4-fold difference in sensitivity will give only a 2-fold smaller range). For the second one, it will be a bigger difference.
But 950nm illuminators can also be bought.