90% of all leisure joke circuit television (including plasma, LCD) is said to work 30 … 50 meters in open space closes the television. Circuit made ATTINY85V-10 micro-controller circuit with two 1.5v AA battery is working with quality alkaline batteries be used in the operating performance of the circuit increases.
This project transmits a bunch of TV POWER codes, one right after the other, with a pause in between each. (To have a visible indication that it is transmitting, it also pulses a visible LED once each time a POWER code is transmitted.)
That is all TV-B-Gone does. The tricky part of TV-B-Gone was collecting all of the POWER codes, and getting rid of the duplicates and near-duplicates (because if there is a duplicate, then one POWER code will turn a TV off, and the duplicate will turn it on again (which we certainly
do not want)
Source: ladyada.net Remote control circuit Alternative link:
Password: 320volt.com
Published: 2010/07/10 Tags: avr project, microcontroller projects
Scrolling LED Circiut PIC18F452 Programmable LED Sign
The marquee PIC18F452 microcontroller based on the output of the circuit is powered by IRF9530 MOSFETs. RER is done via communication with the computer port. Project of the Proteus isis, ares drawings, writings and resources required to send PicBasic software has a visual basic program. The number of columns for the LEDs can be increased marquee circuit
Scrolling LED Circiut