Alternative to a zener diode circuit adjustable Zener. According to the current PNP transistor where you will use a more powerful zener diode can be achieved. voltage adjustment every 10k worth of pot 1 and is increasing.
Alternative to a zener diode circuit adjustable Zener. According to the current PNP transistor where you will use a more powerful zener diode can be achieved. voltage adjustment every 10k worth of pot 1 and is increasing.
Published: 2012/09/05 Tags: power electronic projects, simple circuit projects
USB Thermometer Circuit CCS C PIC18F4550
Hi All You Guys.
How long have you been working on CCS C. CCS will be able to see my level, so it is no longer something to do after arrival.
In this article, I made a small application on the USB communication pic18f4550. I really wanted to deal with the USB. A little uğraştırsada due to the short time for plenty of sample applications around USB thing figured out. I think there’s a common idea in dealing with USB. Because that I haven’t read about this article or the article. Well, first a couple of application korkutsada the USB after the eye really is different from rs232 communication in terms of convenience.
Transistor einstellbare ZENER-Diode
Alternative zu einer Zener-Diodenschaltung einstellbar Zener. Nach dem aktuellen PNP-Transistor, bei dem Sie eine stärkere Zener-Diode verwenden werden, kann erreicht werden. Spannungseinstellung alle 10k Pot 1 und erhöht sich.
Einstellbares ZENER-Schema