Lumiled Driver SMPS circuit TOP250Y based on shared before, “PI Expert Smps design program” used, but has been modified to 135v at (the pi expert design does not allow over 100v) in addition to raise the voltage transformer sekonderi 30-round hemmed trimpot. a total of 48 pieces lumiled used. 700Ma Lumiled SMPS circuit PI Expert files and Driver 135V at pdf format TOP250Y schema, pcb etc. files..
source: forosdeelectronica.com alternative link:
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-22128.zip
Published: 2013/09/22 Tags: power electronic projects, smps circuits, smps projects, smps schematic
ULN2803 Liquid Level Indicator Circuit
In general, the computer parallel lpt port or motor drive circuits we have seen in the regulatory integrated liquid level gauge as you can use the output to 8 LEDs connected fluid location 12 volt + is given into the liquid to desired levels by the LEDs are deployed.
I would say, but with the proper application of liquid water did not experiment with different liquids through resistance thanks to the integrated conductivity of the wall is going to transmit the output LEDs lit in
LumiLed Treiber Schaltnetzteil 700mA 135V
Lumiled-Treiber Schaltnetzteil-Schaltung TOP250Y auf der Grundlage gemeinsamer vor, “PI Experten-Smps-design-Programm” verwendet, aber wurde geändert, 135v (die pi expert design nicht über 100v) zusätzlich zu erhöhen die Spannung Übertrager Sekundä 30-Runde gesäumt Trimmpoti. insgesamt 48 Stück lumiled verwendet. Lumiled 700Ma Schaltnetzteil-Schaltung PI Expert-Dateien und Treiber-135V im pdf-format TOP250Y Schaltplan, Leiterplatte etc. Dateien..