The important thing for the subwoofer amplifier is the Bass filter circuit. Circuit TL072 Opamp is built on operational amplifier. The system’s task is to collect signals from both channels and then separate low frequencies. There is a lower level filter, regulation of filter cutoff frequency in the range of 50Hz-150Hz, smooth phase shift and gain level adjustments.
The supply voltage of the Subwoofer Filter Circuit is symmetrical 2X15V DC PCB has a regulation circuit with a zener diode The value of the limiting resistors 1K… 2.2K 3W can be used up to 40 volts in this way, the resistance values should be increased for higher voltages
Subwoofer Active Filter Circuit Diagram
FILE DOWNLOAD LINK LIST (in TXT format): LINKS-27185a.zip
source: elektroda.pl
Published: 2020/07/03 Tags: audio control circuits