When triggered by a button integrated in the circuit relay 555 timer is energized and immediately set is full when you leave the ignition again. working time is determined by the 220k potentiometer and capacitor C1. Receiving single trigger for the start of timing is sufficient.
Trigger Circuit Schematic Diagram
Published: 2012/11/05 Tags: 555 timer circuits, analog circuits projects, simple circuit projects
USB Business Card with attiny85
Attiny85 Atmel microcontroller with USB Business Card project established quite interesting circuit with very few elements attiny85 16.5 MHz internal RC oscillator frequency used. USB connector on the USB socket on the PCB designed to stop loose plaque thickness of 1.6 mm on the pcb printed circuit previously shared attiny85 USB Password Generator usb interface as software applications, as in made with V-USB driver. USB Business Card is connected properly to the computer from the keyboard opens up notepad program “Caps” key 2 times the pressure information contained within the microcontroller automatically written to the notepad window ..
Einzelner Triggerschaltkreis NE555
Bei Auslösung durch einen im Schaltkreistrelais 555 integrierten Taster wird der Timer angezogen und sofort wieder voll, wenn Sie die Zündung wieder verlassen. Die Arbeitszeit wird durch das 220k Potentiometer und den Kondensator C1 bestimmt. Der Empfang eines einzelnen Triggers für den Start des Timings ist ausreichend.
Trigger Schaltkreisschema