Tag: 555 timer circuits

555 timer IC is an integrated circuit used in a variety of timer, pulse generation circuit, and oscillator circuit applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip flop element.

220V Isolated Light Flasher Circuit

| 2008/02/10

In working with flasher circuit 220v 100w power frequency and duty cycle can be setup to 220v ac lamp with a high-powered flashers can 6 .12 volt supply voltage integrated circuit LM555 Timer is based on the isolation Optokubl MOC3021 triac driver used for load control TRIAC used in the frequency range 1 Hz ……

Tv Remote Jammer Circuit 555

| 2008/01/13

Joking can be used as a fun tool, a simple TV remote control is preventing circuit Integrated circuit made ​​with NE555 Timer. Tv Remote Jammer 10k potentiometer on the circuit to adjust the controls are doing http://www.instructables.com/id/TV-Remote-Jammer!/

555 Designer timer astable monostable calculator

| 2008/01/10

Quite common in the use of electronic NE 555 timer integrated program for a calculation prepared sample calculations are made with 555 circuits Built-in 555 astable, monostable account, you can also sample application schemas found a nice program 555 calculation Desinger 555 Design Mode 1 Enter frequency (or delay) and duty cycle, if applicable. 2…