Recently for a business pic18f46k22 programming we need to, but PICKIT2 software pic18f46k22 support said 🙂 though the error message, I do not remember Unsupported Part etc … a strange opening had fortunately just picproj on the forums @ t2 teacher’s share issues that came to my mind Pickit2 Clone upgrade was mentioned, the “pk2devicefile.dat” file to the C : \ Program Files folder PICKIT2 threw it into the directory where the software is installed smoothly pic18f46k22 programmer programs the way we were able to clone and PIC16F1847 PIC18F45K80 microcontrollers tested in addition
This program provides a simple interface for editing the device data file PKDeviceFile.dat that comes with the PICkit2 windows programs. It’s my first .NET application ever and I won’t be surprised if there’s a few bugs in it.
I know this is a painfully simple program which probably doesn’t require any documentation whatsoever, so only basic notes are provided.
Supports new pic microcontrollers
12F1501, 16F1508, 16F1509, 16F1512, 16F1513, 16F1455, 16F1459 and their LF version,
16F527, 16C83, 16C84, 16F83, 16F84 (manual device select only),
18F25K80, 18F26K80, 18F45K80, 18F46K80, 18F65K80, 18F66K80 and their LF version (High voltage programming working) added.
Only 16F1455, 16F1459, 18F26K80, 16C84, 16F84 tested.
I use the PK2DeviceFile file:
sources:,44978.msg338934.html –
Published: 2013/04/28 Tags: programmer circuit
Transmitter Circuits
Spy circuit consists of 3 sections there are about 30 pieces transmitter circuit is more complex, but in most circuits modified for reinforcement, additions fm transmitter varieties has been described
Market located in the library known as the FM BUG popular video circuit operation
Update PICKI2 (neuer Bild-Mikrocontroller-Support)
Vor kurzem für ein Geschäft pic18f46k22 Programmierung müssen wir, aber PICKIT2 Software pic18f46k22 Unterstützung sagte 🙂 obwohl die Fehlermeldung, ich erinnere mich nicht an nicht unterstützten Teil etc … eine seltsame Öffnung hatte zum Glück nur picproj auf den Foren @ t2 Lehrer Anteil Probleme, die zu meinem kam Geist Pickit2 Clone Upgrade wurde erwähnt, die “pk2devicefile.dat” -Datei in den Ordner C: \ Programme PICKIT2 warf es in das Verzeichnis, in dem die Software reibungslos installiert ist pic18f46k22 Programmierer programmiert die Art, wie wir Klon und PIC16F1847 PIC18F45K80 Mikrocontroller in getestet wurden Zusatz